Arthron 5

Arthron 5

What is Arthron 5?
Arthron 5 is a unique Canadian FDA licensed (NPN 80006912)
natural product without animal tissue and synthetic chemical to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA) to heal. It adjusts the immune system to balance. It can be used for other diseases which are related to immune problems besides RA and OA.
It is concentrated from 5 common herbs. Those herbs are used to popularly make soup for dinner in China today and in history. It has been used to treat disease for over 1500 years.

What and how I can remove the osteoarthritis (OA)
Pain and recovery?
Arthron 5 can do it before the bone is damaged.

How many bottles does Arthron 5 need for OA to heal?
4-6 bottles are needed.

What and how can rheumatoid arthritis (RA) heal?
Arthron 5 can do. It helps to heal.

How many bottles does Arthron 5 need for RA to recover?
12 bottles or more depends the symptom and previous
medicine has been used.

How long can my 20 years of RA be healed?
It may take 2 or more years to be cured.

What kind of food should I stop to use?
Durian, garlic and food contains sopher,
Peach lily root. over burned food like BBQ.

What else can Arthron 5 be used for health?
It can be used to increase the energy and remove the bone and muscle pain, remove the tiredness after work.

Why does RA need to be healed?RA can attack any organs including the heart.
The heart can be stopped when it attacks the muscles or blood vessels in the heart.No one knows when God wants you to go.The arthron 5 needs to use the RA factor down to 0.  Can I use Arthron
5 to replace the medicine for sprain pain?
Use it at the same time, it helps rapidly stop the pain and heal.

How to use Arthron 5 for prostate swell?
3 couples 3 times a day. If it causes diarrhea, reduce to 3 capsules a day with food. use with 4 – 5
capsules of Power 16 daily may have better results.
If you use Power 16, you may have sexual dream and
sexual interest. Please see the power 16 in same

Can I use it for insomnia?
Arthron 5 is helped to remove anemia
and sleep disorders. If you use it with Power 16.
The effect can be much better.
Please see page Power 16 on the same website.

Can I use Arthron 5 for constipation?
Arthron 5 is a perfect natural medicine
to use 6 or 8 capsules daily can be enough.
Self-control the dosage.

What is the formula?
It was formed by angelica, Astragula, Peony,
Chuan Xiong, Rahmanian.

What is its side effect?
It may cause diarrhea if the dosage is over.

How much will you charge if I ask you about my RA, OA or the health problem related to my testosterone level?

No Charge for now.

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